Social media is a strong mode of traffic to your blog and vice versa - your blog is a mode of traffic to your social media accounts. A win-win if you ask me.
Besides having a social media button linking to your Instagram account, an Instagram widget is extremely handy, especially if you're uploading photos rather regularly.
To get the widget on your Blogger blog click here to be directed to the Snapwidget website.
Click on the Get Your Free Widget button.
You will be taken to this page where by simply filling in the blanks you will have a customised Instagram widget for your blog. Once you've filled out the blanks to your liking click the Get Widget button.
By clicking the Get Widget button a window will open that includes your customised code.
Now log onto Blogger and go to your blog and click Layout on the left side of your screen. Now click the 'Add a Gadget' module and choose the 'HTML/Javascript' option. This will open a 'Configure HTML/Javascript' window. The 'Content' section is where you will be pasting your customised code.
Back to your SnapWidget tab copy and paste the code into the 'Content' section of the 'Configure HTML/Javascript' window on Blogger. The 'Title' section is optional however as shown I have labelled it Instagram. Click Save.
You can now move the HTML/Javascript module anywhere in your blog layout you would like your Instagram widget to appear. You can then preview your blog with your Instagram widget and once happy press Save arrangement.
Congratulations! You did it. If you have any trouble don't hesitate to leave a comment.
Happy blogging!
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