
Welcome Image and Text

In this post I thought we'd discuss the option to feature a 'welcome' image and text on our blogs. I'm talking about the most often than not selfie photo and short excerpt found at the top of a blogger's sidebar. I myself have not featured one on neither of my blogs but I plan to get around to it. (It will probably be one of those projects that never get done.)

Nonetheless, back on track. If you don't yet have one I recommend you get one, asap.

This 'welcome' image and text for optimal results would be placed at the top of your sidebar (assuming you have a sidebar). Despite most bloggers having an 'about/about me' page, having a photograph and a short sentence or two on the homepage can make the reader feel more connected with you before they even begin to navigate your blog. Connection often leads to more time spent on the blog, and to be honest if the blog I'm reading does not have one the first thing I do is look for their 'about/about me' page because I like to know who's behind the content I'm reading.

There are a few ways you can go about this...
Firstly under Layout you would click 'Add a Gadget' and then...

  1. Upload the photo as an Image and the sentence or two about you as Text and place them one after the other on your sidebar.
  2. Once you have the image and text place them together as one whole image. For example, you could make this on Picmonkey, Gimp, Photoshop, etc. Then upload the image as an Image. This option allows you to get creative.
  3. Once you have the image and text place them together as one whole image. For example, you could make this on Picmonkey, Gimp, Photoshop, etc and then upload to a photo-sharing website such as Photobucket. You could then upload the image as HTML/Javascript. By doing this you could add a link and/or a rollover effect to the welcome image and text. For example, when readers click on the image they are taken to your 'about/about me' page.

Alternatively you may just want an image without text or text without an image it's up to you. Whatever option you choose it will enhance your blog for your reader I can guarantee you.

Do keep in mind however:

  • Be aware of the px width of your sidebar and make your image fit accordingly. For example if your sidebar is 300px for best results don't upload an image wider than 300px. You also don't need the image to be that large, you could make it 200px and center the image (to be honest that would probably look better).

If you have any opinions or questions regarding the use of a 'welcome' image and text feel free to let me know.

Happy blogging!


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